The imperfect indicative is used to describe actions or situations that were incomplete or in progress at the point of time in the past that is being described.
Dos jóvenes en su primera cita conociéndose…
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Saúl: Bueno, cuéntame, ¿dónde estudiabas de pequeña?
Well, tell me, where did you used to study when you were little?
Marisol: Estudiaba a la vuelta de mi casa. Caminaba a la escuela.
I used to studyarounf the corner from my house. I used to walk to school.
Saúl: ¿Qué te gustaba jugar?
What did you like to play?
Marisol: Me gustaba jugar escondite.
I used to like to play hide-and-seek.
Saúl: A mí me gustaba hacer deportes.
I liked to play sports.
Marisol: ¿Eras buen estudiante?
Were you a good student?
Saúl: No mucho, molestaba mucho en clase.
Not really, I used to misbehave in class.
Marisol: Yo era muy callada en clase.
I was very quiet in class.
Saúl: ¿Y qué hacías en las tardes?
And what did you used to do in the afternoons?
Marisol: Hacía tareas, tocaba piano, y jugaba con mis amigas.
I would do my homework, play piano, and play with my friends.
Saúl: Yo miraba mucha televisión y jugaba videojuegos.
I used to watch a lot of television and play video-games.
Marisol: Mmm, entiendo por qué no eras tan buen estudiante.
Mmm, I understand why you were not a very good student.
Unos ancianos conversando sentados en la cubierta de su casa…
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Horacio: ¿Recuerdas cuando éramos novios?
Remember when we were dating?
Matilde: ¡Claro! Disfrutábamos tanto de la vida.
Certainly! We were both enjoying life.
Horacio: Tú eras la más bella de todas.
You were the most beautiful of all.
Matilde: ¿Te recuerdas las cartas que me escribías?
Remember the letters you wrote to me?
Horacio: Me recuerdo cómo te agradaban.
I remember how you liked it.
Matilde: Me encantaban. Me ponías muchos corazones.
I loved them. To me you were always putting many hearts.
(I loved them. You were always drawing many hearts for me.)
Horacio: Bueno, te lo merecías.
Well, you deserved it.
Matilde: También me besabas la mano al saludarme.
Also you used to kiss (my) hand to greet me.
Horacio: Y tú me tomabas mi mano al caminar a la orilla del lago.
And you used to take my hand to walk on the lake-shore.
Matilde: Luego me abrazabas fuerte.
Then you would hug me strongly.
Horacio: Yo te amaba tanto, pero ahora te amo aún más.
I used to love you so much, but now I love you even more.
Unos chocolates para Paulo
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Julia: ¿A dónde caminabas?
To where were you walking?
Ignacio: A la tienda.
To the store.
Julia: Pero Paulo corría atrás de ti.
But, Paulo was running after you.
Ignacio: Él quería que yo lo cargara.
He was wanting me to carry him.
Julia: ¿Qué compraste en la tienda?
What did you buy at the store?
Ignacio: Compré unos chocolates para Paulo.
I bought some chocolates for Paulo.
Julia: ¿Por qué Josefina no te acompañó?
Why didn't Josefina accompany you?
Ignacio: Porque ella escribía un poema a mi mamá.
Because, she was writing a poem to my mom.
Julia: Yo también escribía uno a la maestra.
I also was writing one to the teacher.
Ignacio: ¿Tú corrías cuando te vi?
You were running when I saw you?
Julia: Sí, porque mi perro escapó.
Yes, because my dog escaped.
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Josefina: Ellos veían el lago.
They were watching the lake.
Julio: ¿Tú a dónde ibas?
To where were you going?
Josefina: Yo iba a la playa.
I was going to the beach.
Julio: ¿Era Juan el guía del grupo?
Was Juan the group's guide?
Josefina: Sí, porque el iba adelante.
Yes, because he was in front.
Julio: ¿Veías tú que Juan hablaba con ellos?
Did you see Juan talking to them?
Josefina: Sí, porque ellos eran guiados por él.
Yes, because they were guided by him.
Julio: ¿Caminaban ellos rápido?
Were they all walking fast?
Josefina: No, ellos eran lentos para caminar.
No, they were walking slowly.