Group 1
With Audio
En verdes ramas nací,
en molino me estrujaron,
en un pozo me metí,
y del pozo me sacaron
a la cocina a freír.
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Tengo cabeza redonda,
sin nariz, ojos ni frente,
y mi cuerpo se compone
tan sólo de blancos dientes.
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Te digo y te repito
que si no lo adivinas
no vales un pito.
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No toma té, ni toma café,
y está colorado,
dime ¿quién es?
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Blanquita soy,
hija del mar;
en tu bautizo,
tuve que estar.
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Blanca soy
y, como dice mi vecina,
útil siempre soy
en la cocina.
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Fríos, muy fríos estamos
y con nuestros sabores
a los niños animamos.
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Verde nací,
amarillo me cortaron,
en el molino me molieron
y blanco me amasaron.
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Soy ave y soy llana,
pero no tengo pico ni alas.
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Soy redonda como el mundo
al morir me despedazan,
me reducen a pellejo
y todo el jugo me sacan
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Blanquilla es mi nombre
y endulzo la vida al hombre.
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Ver, ver, ver,
cierra la puerta y ¡zas!
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Con el dinero lo compro,
con los dedos lo deslío,
por la cara me lo como.
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Me abrigo con paños blancos
luzco blanca cabellera
y por causa mía llora,
hasta la misma cocinera.
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Negra por dentro,
negra por fuera,
es mi corazón
negra madera.
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En el campo me crié,
atada con verdes lazos,
y aquel que llora por mí
me está partiendo en pedazos.
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Junto a la jara y el tomillo
en el monte me arrodillo.
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Arca, monarca,
llena de placer;
ningún carpintero
te ha sabido hacer.
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Oro parece,
plata no es,
el que no lo sepa
un tonto es.
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De bello he de presumir:
soy blanco como la cal,
todos me saben abrir,
nadie me sabe cerrar.
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Col, col, colera;
flor, flor, florera:
si estamos juntas,
¿Qué planta apuntas?
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Bonita planta,
con una flor
que gira y gira
buscando el sol.
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Se hace con leche de vaca,
de oveja y de cabra
y sabe a beso
¿Qué es eso?
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Sin mí no tendrías pan,
ni pasteles, ni empanada.
Nazco verde y estoy dorada
por los días de San Juan.
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Te lo digo y te repito
y te lo debo avisar,
que por más que te lo diga
no lo vas a adivinar.
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En el agua se hace
y en ella se deshace.
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Fui a la plaza
y las compré bellas,
llegué a mi casa
y lloré con ellas.
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Col es parte de mi nombre,
mi apellido es floral,
más si lo quieres saber
a la huerta has de marchar.
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Somos blancos, larguiruchos,
nos fríen en las verbenas,
y dorados, calentitos,
nos comen nenes y nenas.
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Soy un viejo arrugadito
que si me echan al agua
me pongo gordito.
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Quiere leche
y no es lechera
¿Qué será?
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Lentes chiquitas,
jóvenes o viejas:
si quieres nos tomas
y si no nos dejas.
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Entre col y col lechuga,
entre lechuga, una flor,
que al sol siempre está mirando,
dorándose a su calor.
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De leche me hacen
de ovejas y cabras que pacen.
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Soy el jugo de la uva,
de la copa el contenido,
de la mesa el gran señor,
de todos apetecido.
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Una cajita chiquita,
blanca como la cal:
todos la saben abrir,
nadie la sabe cerrar.
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Blanco es,
la gallina lo pone,
con aceite se fríe
y con pan se come.
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Con el pelo rojo,
la cara amarilla
y llena de granos,
soy rico alimento
si estoy cocinado.
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Ave soy, pero no vuelo;
mi nombre es cosa muy llana:
soy una simple serrana,
hija de un hijo del suelo.
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No soy ave
pero de mis huevos
se hacen palomitas
para los niños buenos.
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Vive bajo tierra,
muere en la sartén,
sus diez camisitas
llorando se ven.
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Blanco soy como la nieve,
me sacan de una caña,
y aunque soy del otro mundo,
ahora ya nazco en España.
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Si la dejamos se pasa;
si la vendemos se pesa;
si se hace vino se pisa;
si la dejamos se posa.
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Cuanto más caliente,
más fresco y crujiente.
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Mi madre es tartamuda,
mi padre es "cantaor",
tengo blanco mi vestido,
amarillo el corazón.
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Una vieja arrugadita
que de joven daba vino
y ahora es una frutita.
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Blanca por dentro,
verde por fuera.
Si quieres que te lo diga,
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Negra y minúscula bola
que la boca te atormenta
aunque muerdas una sola.
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Son de color chocolate,
se ablandan con el calor
y si se meten al horno
explotan con gran furor.
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Una señora muy enseñorada,
con el sombrero verde
y la falda morada
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Yo soy el diminutivo
de una fruta muy hermosa,
tengo virtud provechosa,
en el campo siempre vivo
y mi cabeza es vistosa.
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Del nogal vengo
y en el cuello del hombre me cuelgo.
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Tengo duro cascarón,
pulpa blanca
y líquido dulce en mi interior.
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Si quieres las tomas y si no las dejas,
aunque suelen decir que son comida de viejas.
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La mujer del quesero,
¿qué será?
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Y la casa del quesero,
¿qué sería?
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Un palito muy derechito
y en su cabeza un sombrerito.
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Ave me llaman a veces
y es llana mi condición.
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De verde me volví negra
y me molieron con tino,
hasta que al final del todo,
de mí hicieron oro fino.
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Dentro de una vaina voy
y ni espada ni sable soy.
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Es santa y no bautizada,
y trae consigo el día,
gorda es y colorada
y tiene la sangre fría.
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Soy blanco, soy tinto,
de color todo lo pinto,
estoy en la buena mesa
y me subo a la cabeza.
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The fraudulent act done to the victim party vary due to the purpose they are made and the target group the organizations want to object. The foreign labours improve the total income of the country and it is a positive effect to the country. There exist a substantial number of academic undertakings that have aimed to identify correlative relationship between at least two variables that are of concern to this particular study. Although executive functioning is considered a hallmark deficit in FASD, there is little agreement among researchers regarding which domains are most impaired and whether these deficits are specific to FASD (Aragón et al., 2008; Kodituwakku, 2009; Rasmussen, 2005). There have been many studies done with older adults but they mainly focus on disorders that are common such as depression or neurodegenerative disorders. Consequently in June 1897, Stanislavski together with playwright/director Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko decided to open the Moscow Art Theatre creating an alternative to the theatrical standards of the time. In parallel with the existing controversy in the Arab world about Turkish soap operas there was a similar debate in Turkey itself. In addition, regular involvement of diplomats in various international and regional forums will give further exposure for them to become more comprehend and build their strong ability, as well as to develop effectively their network as an embryonic cooperation and partnership ahead. Two black ballerinas, two different times, but one purpose, being the best they could be in a world where being judged by the color of their skin was part of the norm. Neo-liberalism may succeed as an economic project, and in the now advanced industrial economies of the West there has historically been a close relationship between market economies and political liberty (Roxborough), yet they have argued that Neo-liberalism is a source of strains and tensions within the model.
Fifth, discuss index development and property derivative applications to commercial real estate portfolio management, exit strategies, the process of portfolio benchmarking, time diversification strategies. These include lower hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions, higher cetane number, and better lubricity and are biodegradable and nontoxic [2]. Investigational conclusion implies that, reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) overproduction, and associated lowered antioxidant defence cause alterations of enzymatic pathways in humans (Jakus, 2001). But without training you will have a reverse effect in the form of increased workloads for experience workers, high turnover of employees, deteriorating employee morale and productivity.
As a result of the language barrier, many of the immigrant students cannot pass internal and external examinations thus resulting to the low national grade point average. It will allow the real aggressive ones to stay on, and also to ‘put out’ others firms that causes the oversupplied in the economy.
This is due almost entirely to the fact that whaling became heavily regulated in the mid nineteen eighties, but not long after the practice of whaling became illegal Japan was granted special permission to hunt whales based on the prevision that they were hunting the mammals for scientific research (
Organizational Profit: According to Merriam Webster dictionary, (2014) it defined organizational profit as the compensation accruing to entrepreneurs for the assumption of risk in business enterprise as distinguished from wages or rent.
The first criterion which is number of employees is the same as adopted in European Commission regulation in 2003.
Whether it is a five year old telling his parents he definitely did not take a cookie from the cookie jar, or an adult telling her boss she was late to work because of traffic and not because she hit the snooze button three times, everyone lies.
The NRZ format is frequently used in practice because of a smaller signal between connected with it.
Additionally there are regional plans for the construction of seveal public works construction (roads, bridges, tunnels, etc.) in order to connect, with the CELAC plans, the South American and Caribean nations (Frayssinet 2013; Velloso, 2014).
In the article it is said that when we start thinking of a culture everybody has different thoughts and opinions.
This happens when a person brings past feelings and wishes into the treatment relationship between the therapist and client and they reenact past experiences (Dean, 2002). It is the source of their livelihood, sustenance and survival, at the same time the essential element of their identity as distinct cultures and their homelands is misunderstood and is frequently ignored in existing land related legislation and in many past agrarian reforms. Some of the major movements that SNCC took part in was Sit-Ins and Freedom Rides, a leading role in the march at Washington, Mississippi Freedom summer and the Mississippi Democratic Party for the next few years. Today, these debates are present to discuss and interpreted if talent management is part of HRM or a new discipline. However, the drop in the second repeat cycle in the latter was much smaller than that in the former, because the reinforcement helps in reducing the damage in the infilled frame. They named this factor—Activating Transcription Factor (ATF), due to its ability to activate E2, E3 and E4 gene transcription. This is particularly crucial where a client is dependent on a supplier for a particular component. To do so, I will quit my job as an attorney of GFC team and I will go to press. Step 3: The net output voltage is calculated by subtracting the voltage losses from the theoretical cell voltage. Macquarie was among the first military governors of New South Wales and the last aristocratic governor of this territory. In recent years, there are a lot of migration training courses and programs being organized, and even in the last decade, migration is becoming a formal and distinctive course in various universities. Different than other plant epidermal cells, those guard cells contain chlorophyll in order to be able to do photosynthesis.
Group 2
With Audio
Group 3
With Audio