Example Sentences with Verb estar
Infinitivo: estar
Gerundio: estando
Participio: estado
Gerundio: estando
Participio: estado
I am / you are / he - she is / we are / you are
Yo estoy en mi casa.
I am at my house.
I am at my house.
Tú estás en tu casa.
You are at your house.
You are at your house.
El está en su casa.
He is at his house.
He is at his house.
Ella está en su casa.
She is at her house.
She is at her house.
Nosotros estamos en nuestras casas.
We are at our houses.
We are at our houses.
Ustedes están en sus casas.
You are at your houses.
You are at your houses.
Ellos están en sus casas.
They are at their houses.
They are at their houses.
Pretérito Perfecto Simple
I was / you were / he – she was / we were / you were / they were
Yo estuve en mi casa.
I was at my house.
I was at my house.
Tú estuviste en tu casa.
You were at your house.
You were at your house.
El estuvo en su casa.
He was at his house.
He was at his house.
Ella estuvo en su casa.
She was at her house.
She was at her house.
Nosotros estuvimos en nuestras casas.
We were at our houses.
We were at our houses.
Ustedes estuvieron en sus casas.
You were at your houses.
You were at your houses.
Ellos estuvieron en sus casas.
They were at their houses.
They were at their houses.
Pretérito Imperfecto
I used to be – I was / you used to be – you were / he - she used to be – he - she was / we used to be - we were / you used to be – you were / they used to be - they were
Yo estaba en mi casa.
I used to be at my house / I was at my house.
I used to be at my house / I was at my house.
Tú estabas en tu casa.
You used to be at your house / you were at your house.
You used to be at your house / you were at your house.
El estaba en su casa.
He used to be at his house / he was at his house.
He used to be at his house / he was at his house.
Ella estaba en su casa.
She used to be at her house / she was at her house.
She used to be at her house / she was at her house.
Nosotros estábamos en nuestras casas.
We used to be at our houses / we were at our houses.
We used to be at our houses / we were at our houses.
Ustedes estaban en sus casas.
You used to be at your houses / you were at your houses.
You used to be at your houses / you were at your houses.
Ellos estaban en sus casas.
They used to be at their houses / they were at their houses.
They used to be at their houses / they were at their houses.
Pasado Participio
I have been / you have been / he - she has been / you have been / you have been / they have been
Yo he estado en mi casa.
I have been at my house.
I have been at my house.
Tú has estado en tu casa.
You have been at you house.
You have been at you house.
El ha estado en su casa.
He has been at his house.
He has been at his house.
Ella ha estado en su casa.
She has been at her house.
She has been at her house.
Nosotros hemos estado en nuestras casas.
We have been at our houses.
We have been at our houses.
Ustedes han estado en sus casas.
You have been at your houses.
You have been at your houses.
Ellos han estado en sus casas.
They have been at your houses.
They have been at your houses.
Futuro simple
I will be / you will be / he – she will be / we will be / they will be
Yo estaré en mi casa.
I will be at my house.
I will be at my house.
Tú estarás en tu casa.
You will be at you house.
You will be at you house.
El estará en su casa.
He will be at his house.
He will be at his house.
Ella estará en su casa.
She will be at her house.
She will be at her house.
Nosotros estaremos en nuestras casas.
We will be good persons.
We will be good persons.
Ustedes estarán en sus casas.
You will be at your houses.
You will be at your houses.
Ellos estarán en sus casas.
They will be at their houses.
They will be at their houses.
I would be / you would be / he – she would be / we would be / you would be / they would be
Yo estaría en mi casa.
I would be at my house.
I would be at my house.
Tú estarías en tu casa.
You would be at your house.
You would be at your house.
El estaría en su casa.
He would be at his house.
He would be at his house.
Ella estaría en su casa.
She would be at her house.
She would be at her house.
Nosotros estaríamos en nuestras casas.
We would be at our houses.
We would be at our houses.
Ustedes estarían en sus casas.
You would be at your houses.
You would be at your houses.
Ellos estarían en sus casas.
They would be at their houses.
They would be at their houses.
Subjuntivo Presente
I (am) be / you (are) be / he – she (is) be / we (are) be / you (are) be / they (are) be
Yo esté en mi casa.
I be at my house.
I be at my house.
Tú estés en tu casa.
You be at your house.
You be at your house.
El esté en su casa.
He be at his house.
He be at his house.
Ella esté en su casa.
She be at her house.
She be at her house.
Nosotros estemos en nuestras casas.
We be at our houses.
We be at our houses.
Ustedes estén en sus casas.
You be at your houses.
You be at your houses.
Ellos estén en sus casas.
They be at your houses.
They be at your houses.
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