Exercise 1
The imperfect indicative is used to describe actions or situations that were incomplete or in progress at the point of time in the past that is being described.
Dialogue 1
Está sonando el teléfono...
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Victor: Diga
What is it?
Victor: ¿De parte de quién?
On behalf of whom? Who is calling?
Victor: Un momento.
One moment.
Victor: Es Juan Carlos.
It's John Carlos.
Quique: ¿El Rey de España?
The King of Spain?
Victor: No, Tu vecino.
No, your your neighbor.
Quique: Ah!, Vale.
Ah, OK.
Quique: Hola Juan Carlos, pensaba que eras el rey!
Hello John Carlos, I was thinking that you were the King!
Dialogue 2
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José Luis: ¿Vamos al teatro?
Are we going to the theater?
Luis Roberto: ¡Yo hacía teatro!
I performed in theater (regularly).
José Luis: ¿Si? ¡Yo hice teatro!
I performed in theater (one time).
Luis Roberto: ¿Una sola vez?
Only one time?
José Luis: Exacto, solo hice teatro una vez.
Exactly, I only performed in theater one time.
Luis Roberto: ¡Pues yo hacía treatro todas las semanas!
Well, I used to perform in theater every week.
José Luis: ¡Qué guay!
How cool!
Dialogue 3
Christian y Alina conversan acostados sobre una hermosa ladera en Viena, Austria…
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Christian: Me recuerdo cuando salíamos juntos a jugar pelota.
I remember when we used to go out together and play ball.
Alina: Comprábamos helados todas las tardes.
We would buy ice cream every afternoon.
Christian: Sí, y caminábamos frente a la casa de Mozart.
Yes, and we would walk in front of Mozart's house.
Alina: E íbamos al parque de diversiones.
And we would go to the amusement park.
Christian: Y comprábamos fruta en el mercado.
And we would buy fruit in the market.
Alina: ¡Qué tiempos aquellos! La pasábamos tan bien.
What times those were! We would pass that time very well.
Christian: No nos separaban por nada.
We would not be apart for anything.
Alina: Éramos los mejores amigos.
We were best friends.
Christian: Somos los mejores amigos.
We ARE best friends.
Dialogue 2
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Miguel: ¡Hola Yolanda! hace tiempo que no te veo. ¿Estás libre esta tarde?
Hello Yolanda! It has been a while. Are you free this afternoon?
Yolanda: ¡Qué coincidencia! te iba a llamar anoche resulta que no tengo que trabajar esta tarde.
What a coincidence! I was going to call you last night because I don't have to work this afternoon.
Miguel: ¡Magnífico! ¿quieres venir conmigo a tomar un café?
Great! Do you want to come with me for a cup of coffee?
Yolanda: ¡Pues claro, tengo un montón que contarte!
Of course, I have a lot to tell you!
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4