The verbs aparecer (to appear) and desaparecer (to disappear) are irregular, the (yo) form ends in (zco). They are regular in all other forms.
The congugation of the verbs aparecer and desaparecer is shown in the table below.
aparecer |
desaparecer |
yo |
aparecezco |
desaparecezco |
tú |
apareces |
desapareces |
Ud./él/ella |
aparece |
desaparece |
nosotros (as) |
aparecemos |
desaparecemos |
vosotros (as) |
aparecéis |
desaparecéis |
Uds./ellos/ellas |
aparecen |
desaparecen |
The verbs conducir (to drive ) and traducir (to translate) are irregular, the "yo" form ends in (zco). They are regular in all other forms.
The congugation of the verbs conducir and traducir are shown in the table below.
conducir |
traducir |
yo |
conduzco |
traduzco |
tú |
conduces |
traduces |
Ud./él/ella |
conduce |
traduces |
nosotros (as) |
conducimos |
traducimos |
vosotros (as) |
conducís |
traducís |
Uds./ellos/ellas |
conducen |
traducen |
Note: yo = I, tú = you (informal), usted (Ud.) = you (formal),
él = he, ella = she, nosotros = we (males), nosotras = we
(females), vosotros = you guys (informal, males), vosotras =
you guys (informal, females), ellos = they (males), ellas =
they (females), ustedes (Uds.) = you all (formal)
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