Use of the Spanish Verb "ir" to Discuss the Future  

Discussing the Future Using Verb Ir

In English there are two ways to say something in the future, "I will eat tomorrow" and "I'm going to eat tomorrow." Similarly in Spanish we can form the future with the verb ir (conjugate), which means "go to". When used to talk about the future the verb 'ir' means "going to". To do this, use the conjugated form of the verb (ir) followed by the preposition (a) (to) and then the infinitive of the main verb. ir + a + infinitive
Yo voy a buscar su carro ahora.
I'm going to search your car now.
Tú vas a llegar muy tarde.
You are going to arrive very late.
Usted va a trabajar con Marta.
You're going to work with Marta.
Marta va a estar bien, gracias.
Marta is going to be fine, thanks.
Ellas van a bajar del carro.
They're going to get out of the car.
Additional Examples
Yo voy a estudiar.
I am going to study.
María me va a ayudar.
Mary is going to help me.
María me va a dar el dinero.
Mary is going to give me the money.
María va a comprar un regalo para mi.
Mary is going to buy a gift for me.
Yo me voy a levantar a las siete.
I am going to get myself up at seven o'clock.
¿ Vas a estudiar?
Are you going to study?
María te va a ayudar.
Mary is going to help you.
María te va a dar el dinero.
Mary is going to give you the money.
María va a comprar un regalo para ti.
Mary is going to buy a gift for you.
¿ Te vas a levantar a las siete?
Are you going to get yourself up at seven o'clock?
¿ Señor, va usted a estudiar?
Sir, are you going to study?
María le va a ayudar.
Mary is going to help you.
María le va a dar el dinero.
Mary is going to give you the money.
María va a comprar un regalo para usted.
Mary is going to buy a gift for you.
¿ Se va a levantar usted a las siete?
Are you going to get yourself up at seven o'clock?
Juan dice que él va a estudiar.
John says that he is going to study.
María lo va a ayudar.
Mary is going to help him.
María le va a dar el dinero.
Mary is going to give him the money.
María va a comprar un regalo para él.
Mary is going to buy a gift for him.
Juan se va a levantar a las siete.
John is going to get himself up at seven o'clock.
Carmen dice que ella va a estudiar.
Carmen says that she is going to study.
María la va a ayudar.
Mary is going to help her.
María le va a dar el dinero.
Mary is going to give her the money.
María va a comprar un regalo para ella.
Mary is going to buy a gift for her.
Ella se va a levantar a las siete.
She is going to get herself up at seven o'clock.
Nosotros vamos a estudiar.
We are going to study.
María nos va a ayudar.
Mary is going to help us.
María nos va a dar el dinero.
Mary is going to give us the money.
María va a comprar un regalo para nosotros.
Mary is going to buy a gift for us.
Nosotros nos vamos a levantar a las siete.
We are going to get ourselves up at seven o'clock.
¿ Van ustedes a estudiar?
Are you all going to study?
María les va a ayudar.
Mary is going to help you all.
María les va a dar el dinero.
Mary is going to give the money to you all.
María va a comprar un regalo para ustedes.
Mary is going to buy a gift for you all.
¿ Se van ustedes a levantar a las siete?
Are you all going to get yourselves up at seven o'clock?
Los muchachos dicen que ellos van a estudiar.
The boys say that they are going to study.
María los va a ayudar.
Mary is going to help them.
María les va a dar el dinero.
Mary is going to give them the money.
María va a comprar un regalo para ellos.
Mary is going to buy a gift for them.
Los muchachos se van a levantar.
The boys are going to get themselves up.
Las muchachas van a estudiar.
The girls are going to study.
María las va a ayudar.
Mary is going to help them.
María les va a dar el dinero.
Mary is going to give them the money.
María va a comprar un regalo para ellas.
Mary is going to buy a gift for them.
Las muchachas se van a levantar.
The girls are going to get themselves up.

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