Dialogue 1

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Dos amigos se dirigen a pie hacia la Puerta del Sol.
La Puerta del Sol
Ramón: Nos hemos perdido.
We have gotten lost.
Julián: ¿Por qué no le preguntas a aquel guardia mientras que yo compro el periódico?
Why don't you ask that guard while I buy the newspaper?
Ramón: (Al guardia) Buenas tardes, por favor, ¿me podría indicar cómo se va a la Puerta del Sol?
(To the guard) Good afternoon, could you please tell me how one goes to Puerta del Sol?
Guardia: Mire, tome aquella calle de enfrente y siga recto unos trescientos metros. Cuando llegue a una plazoleta, tuerza a la izquierda. En la acera de la derecha se encontrará la parada del autobús letra G. Tome el autobús y diga que le avisen al llegar a Cibeles. Apéese y pregunte por el Ministerio de Defensa. Frente al Ministerio, hallará usted la boca de metro "Banco". Tome el metro y apéese en "Callao". Baje por la calle Preciados y llegará a Sol... Si se vuelve a perder, pregunte a cualquier transeúnte .
Look, take that street in front and go straight for about three hundred meters. When you reach a square , turn to the left. On the right side of the street you will find the bus stop letter G. Take the bus and say let us know when you arrive in Cibeles. Apéese and ask for the Ministry of Defense. In front of the Ministry, you will find the "Banco" metro station. Take the subway and get on "Callao". Go down Preciados Street and you will reach Sol ... If you get lost again, ask any passerby
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Papá: ¡Marta, qué desordenado está tu cuarto! Por favor, arreglalo antes de jugar con tus amigos. Guarda la ropa limpia en tu armario, pon la ropa sucia en el cesto, haz la cama, recoge los libros del piso y ordénalos en los estantes, y no dejes los zapatos por todas partes, ¡es muy peligroso!
Marta, how messy is your room! Please, organize it before you play with your friends. Put away your clean clothes in the armoire, put the dirty clothes in the basket, make your bed, pickup the books from the floor and organized them on the shelves, and do not leave your shoes everywhere, it is dangerous!
For example, if an anonymous survey is being taken concerning the question of police brutality within a certain community, it is statistically more probable that a person of Caucasian ancestry has not been a victim of police brutality that a person from a minority ethnic community.
Ulrich (1984) found similar results as Sheffield and Coote that patients with open views experience shorter post-operative stays compared to patients who looked out onto a brick wall.
Wade case in 1973 abortions have became legal in the United States every where except Texas were the abortion laws where struck down in 7 to 2 majority vote because they considered it as a violation of a women’s right.
These treatises are most probably – partial or complete – pseudepigrapha, occasionally considered erroneously as translations of lost Greek versions of Archimedean treatises.
Hence, Kirchner’s administration took advantage of the poor education results and the social discontent with Menem’s market-oriented reforms in other sectors, and framed the derogation of the education law as a measure to counteract the so-called negative effects of neoliberal policies on education (Feldfeber, 2011).
Dialogue 2