Diálogo 1

Summer Vacation
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Alejandro: Tengo una reunión hoy en la asociación con la que colaboro. ¿Hoy es 3 de Junio, verdad?
I have a meeting today in association with which I collaborate. Today is June 3, right?
Eva: No, hoy es el 2 de Junio 2011.
Not today is the second of June, 2011
Alejandro: ¿Estás segura? No sé en qué día vivo…
Are you sure? I'm not sure what day I live in...
Eva: Sí, es el 2 de Junio. Lo sé porque en 3 días me voy de vacaciones.
Yes, it is the second of June. I know because in three days I go away on vacation.
Alejandro: ¿Sí? ¿Y dónde te vas?
Really? And where are you going?
Eva: Me voy de vacaciones al sur de España.
I am departing on vacation to the south of Spain.
Alejandro: Y ¿cuándo exactamente?
and when exactly?
Eva: Me voy el domingo 5 de Junio a Cádiz, duermo allí y el lunes 6 de Junio me voy a un pueblecito en la playa. Y me quedo allí hasta el…
I'm departing on the 5th of June, a Sunday, to Cadiz, sleep there and then on Monday June 6 I'm departing to a village on the beach. And I will stay there until ...
Alejandro: ¿Hasta el primero de Julio?
Until the first of July?
Eva: No, ¡no me quedo tanto tiempo!
No, I do not want to spend that much time there!
The Spanish, who secured the Americas as a Spanish sphere of exploration and settlement (pg 21) via the Treaty of Tordesillas, in particular fell under greater scrutiny as to how they reacted to the Native Americans at that time. However, author concluded that much research and development needed to be execute before implementing such a design methodology. In my opinion I like Auckland because, when I see to the picture in the book about Auckland my emotion feel happy. In a typical usability test, the real end user or the potential end users try to accomplish the tasks with a product under controlled conditions. Now, as many may agree “Rape is no excess, no aberration, no accident, no mistake - it embodies sexuality as the culture defines it. Even though the vaccine is effective many people still die from measles every year the numbers are something like 100,000 and most are under the age of 5 years old. The semi- structured telephone interviews were used to establish the current usage and attitudes towards the existing NHS logo. Twain's Novel has been described as both the "great American novel" and racist trash (Sova),(Clemens, 310).
By prioritizing species by ecological function, evolutionary history, and other criteria will help shape conservation approaches, leading to a healthier planet. In these competitions, Qiu Qi was able to work well with her teammates and her strong abilities in Chinese had led her to perform extremely well in the competitions. The Port Harcourt-Umuahia-Enugu-Makurdi-Lafia-Kaduna-Bauchi-Gombe-Biu-Maiduguri; Ikom-Ogoja-Katsina Ala-Wukari-Jalingo-Yola-Maiduguri and Kani-Nguru-Gashua-Damaturu-Maiduguri-Gamborun-Ngala rail network rehabilitation also commenced in 2014 with expectations that by early 2015 it would be commissioned for use. Although there are studies in human and animals suggest that exercise may slow the progression of cognitive decline.
Turkey since this event took place until now has still refused to admit that the Armenian genocide took place. It demonstrates the appropriateness of the Scripture and inner healing prayer to disorders of various magnitudes. This in return will help in absorption of solar since there will be high intensity of solar radiation. Their continued existence in itself talks about how they have struggled to exist among us and how the entire Indian LGBTQIA community and their families are under a great risk of getting AIDS or being HIV-positive. In April 1974, the MNLF set up a focal council in Libya, which had turn into one of the essential bankrollers of the gathering. Also, Frameworks like Porter's Five Forces and Benchmarking is used to identify the forces that provide its best advantage against rivals and consideration given of how these could be enhanced. This was shown both in their way of thinking and also in their approach to life. Offering a darker interpretation of this earlier work, Disintegration features a flooded version of the original landscape, many of the original elements breaking down and literally disintegrating. Find another relevant and current (Jan - June 2015) article on ‘effectiveness of management’ in using appropriate human resource strategies.