Spanish Vocabulary and Phrases for Computers and Windows Applications
Related Vocabulary
Windows Applications Vocabulary
sort by - ordenar por
open - abrir
spell check - corrector ortográfico
file menu - menú de archivos
save - guardar
exit - cerrar
delete - eliminar
delete - borrar
print - imprimir
copy - copiar
cut - cortar
save as - guardar como
paste - pegar
font - tipo
bold - negrita
italic - cursiva
underline - subrayado
help - ayuda

open - abrir

spell check - corrector ortográfico

file menu - menú de archivos

save - guardar

exit - cerrar

delete - eliminar

delete - borrar

print - imprimir

copy - copiar

cut - cortar

save as - guardar como

paste - pegar

font - tipo

bold - negrita

italic - cursiva

underline - subrayado

help - ayuda

Popular Phrase: spanish verb to send | Spanish Adverbs | Conjugated Verb: aburrirse - to get bored, become bored, be bored [ click for full conjugation ]