Ratings and Comments for IH Riviera Maya
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Student ratings for IH Riviera Maya
Overall Ratings:

Evaluation from wavesport:

Evaluation from bbarber:

Good location near the beach. Good residencial lodging. They seemed busy the week we were there so we had a "substitute" teacher.
Evaluation from Josgolden:

Au Méxique, la majorité des étudiants sont des voyageurs solitaires qui partent à l'aventure. Ce sont des personnes qui désirent créer de nouvelles amitiés. En plus du cours traditionnel, les étudiants vont à l'épicerie pour ensuite cuisiner un plat qu'ils vont partager entre eux. Ce qui permettait de se connaître en plus d'apprendre son espagnol. La résidence d'étudiants est très propre et les employé(e)s sont très gentils. J'ai énormément pratiqué mon espagnol avec la réceptionniste, les femmes de ménage, le cuisinier et les autres étudiants de la Chine, d'Italie, d'Écosse, d'Angleterre et du Québec. Le soir, les étudiants se retrouvent dans la cuisine pour y discuter et y prendre une bière, une téquila, etc. Le responsable de la cafétaria de l'école organise des excursions. Je vous les recommande. Il est très professionnel! Il y a parfois trop d'étudiants dans les salles de cours. J'ai vraiment eu beaucoup de plaisir et je veux y retourner même si cette destination est plus chère que les autres. Tu paies plus mais tu en obtiens plus pour ton argent: plaisir, logement, chaleur, excursions, activités, restos, bars, etc.
Evaluation from vagabond_doc:

The school is in an ideal location just off of Avenue Quinta where all of the activity is around Playa. The student residence is inexpensive with private rooms and baths with air conditioning. There is wireless internet and a kitchen for common use. Those wanting more luxurious accommodations can find them in the immediate area around the school. The beach is a couple of minutes walk from the school or residence. The instruction was excellent and class sizes great. I had two other people in my intermediate class and no class had more than that. The food available was also quite good and inexpensive at the school but you are within a block of dozens of restaurants of all types. Classes typically run from 9:30 to 1:30 with a short about a 15-20 minute break at 11:30. The activities were fun and every staff member was extremely friendly. The school also has a school for those wanting to teach English as a second language. There were an equal number of students participating in that program adding to the number of friends to make while there. Most of those students also spoke Spanish so there was always lively conversation around the tables on the patio or in the student residence. Those doing the home stays were less impressed with about half switching to the student residence.
Evaluation from kerrymcneill:

Evaluation from kristafunk:

Evaluation from maddibear:

Evaluation from Goldielock2:

Evaluation from kikim89:

Popular Phrase: how do you say | Spanish lesson | Conjugated Verb: cumplir - to fulfill, carry out; to reach (an age) [ click for full conjugation ]
IH is located a 1/2 block from 5th Avenue which is the major shopping pedestrian street. If you enjoy water sports, e.g., scuba diving, windsurfing, or simply enjoy laying out in the sun, and you want to combine it with learning the Spanish language, I can't imagine a better location than IH in Playa del Carmen. The school is located only a few blocks from the beach. If you decide against a homestay family, the school has a brand new student residence located only 2 blocks from the school. You can also stay in rooms located at the school. The school offers social or cultural activities every weekday. If you're interested in doing something else, especially over the weekend, the school is very helpful in finding what you want or need.