Ratings and Comments for HispanoMaya
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Student ratings for HispanoMaya
Overall Ratings:

Evaluation from xrthomas:

Evaluation from nwhite:

This area has a relaxed atmosphere and is much cheaper than the more popular cities here.
Evaluation from cghoffman:

While studying here, I consulted the staff on three occasions, each time they were cordial and happy.
Evaluation from pwagner:

I already have so many wonderful memories. I wish my time here would never end.
Evaluation from jlvanity:

This is an excellent place to study and hang out. The coordinators are very friendly and on Thurs. they serve the best food in town. IF your in the area you should stop bye to say hi.
Evaluation from kidvid71:

The school has wonderfully friendly teachers that make study time fly by. Families range in types of accomodations, but I stayed with several and they were all happy to have me. Its very easy to communicate with little spanish in Todos Santos.
Evaluation from Jeannita:

My boyfriend and I studied at Hispano Maya and stayed with a Guatemalan family. I found my teacher to be friendly and the classes were good revision for me. The school has ample activities , hikes , movies etc. But I stayed with Lida´s Family, i was very dissapointed with my stay there. There was no shower, the bed was just a bit of foamy material on a wooden bedframe, the family pets were constantly kicked or hit with brooms. I was most dissapointed that Lida did not make any attempt to get to know us especially as she is a teacher at the school. Her parents made more of an attempt to communicate with us even though they had limited Spanish. We felt isolated from them as they did not allow us to eat with them and often times spoke in Mam in our presence. Overall not a very pleasant experience.
Evaluation from romba:

Evaluation from WSummers:

I arrived in the rain & departed and it was still raining, but it never dampened my enjoyment of HISPANOMAYA Spanish language school. You hike each morning in the thin mountain air, then study Spanish through the afternoon (it usually rains in the late-afternoon this time of year), then spend enjoyable evenings with other students just hanging out - talking or watching Spanish language movies. I had the time of my life, an experience that I will personally treasure. I got to know some remarkable people. Hint: If you don't like rain, avoid the summer months, and my accomodations were a lot like camping-out. It was a fair and reasonable and very affordable trip that I would recommend to any person. This school also fullfills a much needed community service to the families in the Todos Santos area. Sincerely, Guillermo (Will S.)
Evaluation from deralove:

NICE TO MEET YOU. my name is Grace.here is my privet e-mail'(gracenechwa1@hotmail.com) i will like to know you more. so that i can send you my picture and my detail's for you to know me more so I am waiting for your mail to my email address below. please don't chat me here just send me mail and i will get back to you with love.
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We had an exceptional host family. Everything was just perfect! They made us feel part of the family.