Ratings and Comments for Proyecto Lingüístico Quetzalteco
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Student ratings for Proyecto Lingüístico Quetzalteco
Overall Ratings:

Evaluation from ntaylor:

Evaluation from bdavis:

This school is unique. They offer fabulous programs not found at other schools.
Evaluation from nicudoc:

A well orginzed and very professional school. A bit more expensive but worth it. They have great activities as well as speakers who come to school. I have been there five times since 2006.
Evaluation from bacta6:

This was an amazing school. Not only is the Spanish instruction top-notch, but you also learn a bit about what life is like in Guatemala and take an interesting trip almost every day. The school doesn't lack in quality of facilities, either, as the courtyard is beautiful and you get free coffee and pan every day!
Evaluation from daviel:

This is a great school that has an amazing atmosphere. The teachers are very good, and the school offers many oppertunities to travel around and see the Country. The Mountain school is also a wonderful place to be. They are a non-profit and are in it to help the communities that are around them. Great place to study.
Evaluation from sstratton:

This school has a wonderful feeling. It has been around a long time and the administrators believe deeply in keeping true to good values. They are very trustworthy and reliabe.
Evaluation from hannahp24:

Fabulous school, wonderful experience. I can with NO spanish and left able to have decent conversations. A warm, welcoming atmosphere, and the staff are committed to teaching spanish language and sharing the history of guatemala with students. Learn and discuss difficult topics surrounding guatemala's civil war and continuing struggles through field trips, speakers, and discussions with teachers. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
Popular Phrase: conjugation correr | Spanish hello | Conjugated Verb: criarse - to grow [up]; to be brought up [ click for full conjugation ]
I already have so many wonderful memories. I wish my time here would never end.