Ratings and Comments for Instituto de Comunicación y Cultura Oaxaca
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Student ratings for Instituto de Comunicación y Cultura Oaxaca
Overall Ratings:

Evaluation from mschmidt:

Evaluation from wjschroder:

The ICC offers the student much more than the study of language. The additional synergy of writing, cooking, dance, and indigenous weaving creates a broad and rich palette.
Evaluation from inge:

The children's program at ICC is basically very expensive babysitting. In 3 weeks my children (ages 8&9, intermediate level spanish) were not challenged, did not make any noticeable progress or get the program described on the internet, in e-mails, and phone calls. I CANNOT recommend the children's program! The adult program is disorganized, unstructured, and expensive compared to other schools I have attended. Students are put at their level (roughly). Classes are not separated into grammar, conversation, etc., so you cannot work on an area of interest or weakness. Very little flexibility as to teacher. Some of the private classes are acceptable.
Evaluation from juliay:

Our family would not recommend this school. We researched schools online before arriving in Oaxaca, and ICC appeared to be a good choice. However, the school is in a great state of decline and disappointingly does not offer much of what its website advertises. Additionally, the new location of the school along Escalera del Fortin is along a loud and polluted road and smells badly of sewer. We tried to get a refund so that we could study somewhere better, but the director refused. We decided to try to make the best of the situation. However, the school was really poorly run and it was one frustration after another. For one thing, the school contracts teachers who show up with no preparation, no activities, etc. to make the class time fun and engaging. And another thing, the director frequently made explicitly racist and anti-semitic comments. When I asked her to stop because it made our family uncomfortable, she just laughed and seemed to make even more of then over the next couple of days. Bottom line, this school has really declined in recent years, and is not being run professionally. I would go elsewhere and save yourself the frustration of dealing with it on your vacation.
Evaluation from learning1234567:

Popular Phrase: present subjunctive | Vocabulary | Conjugated Verb: clarificar - to clarify, illuminate, light [up], brighten [ click for full conjugation ]
This is a superior school with impeccable credentials. The faculty and staff are very supportive and enthusiastic. There are other schools where a student may study Spanish, but none better.