Ratings and Comments for Becari Language School
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Student ratings for Becari Language School
Overall Ratings:

Evaluation from ischroder:

Evaluation from lindarkv:

Posting lists class size as 5-8, but in my 2 experiences there, the size was never over 5, and usually 2-3. This is a superb school with topnotch faculty.
Evaluation from Laurie:

Evaluation from cyncynn:

i had an AMAZING experience at this school in every way - the school environment, the teachers, the host family. i had travel issues in mexico city. The school kept my host family informed throughout the day and when i finally arrived at 3 a.m., my host-mom was waiting outside for me. this was my first time traveling in a different country and i didn't know any spanish, and they enabled me to still have a wonderful experience. EXCELLENT!!!!
Evaluation from nomadness:

I studied at this school in early 2013, based on an earlier experience in 209. Both times I had excellent teachers and the management was very attentive. The premises are also lovely. I arranged my own accommodation. If you like a small school with more intimate atmosphere, I highly recommend Becari.
Evaluation from mateosf:

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The school is quiet, yet it is convenient to the historical center.