Ratings and Comments for Habla Hispana Spanish School
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Student ratings for Habla Hispana Spanish School
Overall Ratings:

Evaluation from wntaylor:

Evaluation from lharris:

This program is very effective. I now understand much more of what I hear and I have a much better ability to communicate.
Evaluation from yjohnson:

San Miguel de Allende is a pleasant place to study spanish.
Evaluation from uwilson:

Habla Hipana provides an excellent quality of instruction, at a low cost.
Evaluation from naruto:

this kinda cool oh ya baby
Evaluation from erikberman543:

The school was excellent. The teachers were great and the school was located in the center of town. They arranged a terrific homestay for me. San Miguel is very easy place to adapt to and the school helped me adopt even easier. I attended in July 2011.
Evaluation from summer24meyer:

Evaluation from jdelgiorno:

i think that all the kids in mexio are nice even those i never ben there.!.!.!.!
Evaluation from violetneedtolearn:

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The school is well organized and very friendly. I have much greater confidence in my speaking abilities.