Ratings and Comments for Colegio Delibes
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Student ratings for Colegio Delibes
Overall Ratings:

Evaluation from uimiller:

Evaluation from qurichter:

The professionalism of the director and staff, combined with their sincere desire to create a meaningful cultural and personal experience for their students, makes Delibes a very special school.
Evaluation from freemanwh3:

I have been a language teacher abroad and a learner of languages for many years, but I must say Colegio Delibes is a below average to poor school in several respects. First, the staff is mostt unfriendly if you need any personal attention. Second, their staff is very uneven. Third, they are the slum lords of Salamanca. Lastley, it is a poor value for your money. Surely there are dozens of good schools in Slamanca, you would be advised to avoid this one.
Evaluation from moe1258:

Evaluation from rahuldobhal:

Evaluation from lynngarcia:

Hi, How are you doing?. I am Lynn Garcia, from the USA, I am a single female Looking for friendship to learn Language and culture. I saw your profile and picked up interest. Let's connect and learn a language. I am willing to teach you fluent English. I normally be on this site get back to me directly on my Email; lynngarciia@gmail
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I am a language teacher and have worked in the USA and abroad. This school is, by far, the best school I have attended or been part of. You must attend this school!