Ratings and Comments for Bellavista Language Center
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Student ratings for Bellavista Language Center
Overall Ratings:

Evaluation from womoore:

Evaluation from f_eichin:

Fuer mich ist die beste Schule die ich in Santiago gefunden habe! Die billigste, gute Lehrer und interesante Programme.
Evaluation from alexandre:

Parece muy buena escola! 4 semanas en el curso basico era muy bueno y muy buenas atividades para conocer santiago. profesores muy alegres, competentes y colaborantes
Evaluation from mikepatton:

Professional spanish language school.
Evaluation from donvgib:

Evaluation from deralove:

NICE TO MEET YOU. my name is Grace.here is my privet e-mail'(gracenechwa1@hotmail.com) i will like to know you more. so that i can send you my picture and my detail's for you to know me more so I am waiting for your mail to my email address below. please don't chat me here just send me mail and i will get back to you with love.
Evaluation from lilianbeee:

Evaluation from ashern13:

This school is really up- to- date on current teaching methodologies in second languages! They are able to take grammar and integrate it into Chilean history, literature, economics, and games as well so that I not only learned Spanish, I learned a lot about Chile itself! I paid for 4 hours per day, put actually got 4 1/2 full hours! Unlike other schools, an hour is a full hour of instruction. I came during Chile's winter (July), so be aware that Chilean houses are not up to North American standards in heating if you come when its cold.
Evaluation from Shelly2014:

Popular Phrase: caer in the preterite | Spanish Lessons | Conjugated Verb: copiar - to copy [ click for full conjugation ]
The instructor is generous, patient, and dynamic. His passion for the language is contagious.