Ratings and Comments for Orosi Valley School
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Student ratings for Orosi Valley School
Overall Ratings:

Evaluation from healthyjim:

Evaluation from tryingspanish:

Orosi is a beautiful, quiet town full of friendly people. Orosi Valley School was the perfect place to learn. Flor is an excellent teacher. In just 10 days, she taught me some of the finer points of the language that many, many years in high school and college never did. She is an amazing cook, too. We ate almost every meal together. Also, the family organized excursions for us. We saw a lot of Costa Rica in a short amount of time. I highly recommend Orosi Valley School for anyone who wants to feel like part of a family and do some SERIOUS learning. As the previous poster implied, Flor is challenging. And she gets great results.
Evaluation from orosivalley:

This was the most fun I've had learning a language. The host family was very warm and inclusive. The two teachers taught me not only Spanish but about the Costa Rican culture, too. I highly recommend Orosi Valley Spanish School to anyone who wants to learn Spanish, live with a Tico family, and make side trips to the beautiful countryside.
Evaluation from Kalikokat:

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The entire town is so friendly and helpful. The family especially tries to make you feel comfortable, yet they get you to speak Spanish as much as possible. The individual attention, the pace geared to the individual, and the extra tidbits of information really help. The sincerity of the instructor means she works harder than you do. She does NOT watch the clock, so you certainly get your money's worth. Did I say she was easy? Far from it, but very effective.