Spanish Sentences using tuviera
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The There was no book that had the complete biography.
Carmen would have bought a hat if she had the money.
I would have driven the car if I had my driver's license.
Pedro would have closed the door if he had the key.
Mary would buy the tickets if she had the money.
I would also like to have nice views from the flat
He saved it (money) for two years until he had enough.
I would make a house in the country if I had land.
I would be able to study with you all tonight if I didn't have to work.
María would come to the beach is she had a bathing suit.
Susana could make the salad if she had the vegetables.
Me contentaría con una que tuviera frenos.
One with brakes, that would do.
Nos gustaría que tuviera un final feliz.
We would like it to have a happy ending.
Quisiera que lo tuviera usted en cuenta.
I would like to draw this to your attention.
Si tuviera que ocurrir, debería estar ocurriendo ahora.
That should be happening around about now, if it was going to.
Sería muy esperanzador que la moratoria tuviera efecto inmediato.
It would be cause for great hope if the moratorium were to take effect immediately.
Me gustaría, Sr. Cornillet, que lo tuviera en cuenta.
I would like you to take this into account, Mr Cornillet.
Nos congratularía que la iniciativa francesa tuviera éxito.
We would be pleased if the French initiative were successful.
Le rogaría que lo tuviera presente en el futuro.
I would ask you to bear this in mind in future.
Esto sería un freno que me gustaría que mi bicicleta tuviera.
Now that would be a brake that I would think worth having on my bicycle.
Quizá tuviera que ver con su estado interior.
Perhaps this had something to do with your inner reality.
No creo que nada de ello tuviera una base coherente.
I do not believe that any of this had a basis in fact.
Es de lamentar que ello tuviera lugar a puertas cerradas.
Unfortunately it did so behind closed doors.
Yo no dije que no tuviera intención de participar en la votación.
I did not say that I did not intend to take part in the vote.
Oh, si usted tuviera una gran ambición fiscal.
If only you had greater ambition when it comes to taxation!
Es lamentable que antes tuviera que existir confusión.
It is a pity that first there had to be a cloud.
El Parlamento propuso que se tuviera en cuenta esa cuestión.
Parliament proposed that this should be addressed.
Tendría que haber cancelado cualquier otro compromiso que tuviera.
He should have cancelled any other engagements he had.
Lamento que entonces el Sr. Poettering no tuviera la misma sensibilidad...
I regret that, at that moment, Mr Poettering was not as sensitive...
Desde fuera da la impresión de que la Comisión tuviera algo que ocultar.
From the outside, it looks as if the Commission has something to hide.
Eso en la hipótesis de que la Unión Europea tuviera más de 25 Estados miembros.
This is a scenario whereby the European Union has a membership of over 25 Member States.
Señor Presidente, lamento mucho que el Comisario Patten tuviera que marcharse.
Mr President, I am very sorry that Commissioner Patten had to leave.
Consideraría interesante que la Comisaria se pronunciara brevemente al respecto si tuviera tiempo para ello.
I would find it useful if the Commissioner, time-permitting, could comment on this briefly.
Me gustaría que el dictamen del Parlamento Europeo tuviera un apoyo lo más amplio posible.
I should like the final opinion of Parliament to have as broad a support-base as possible.
Si el debate tuviera relación con el extremismo sería otra cosa.
It would be another matter if the debate were about extremism.
Sería conveniente que la Unión tuviera una única voz en un ámbito tan importante como éste.
It would be desirable if the Union had a common voice in this important area.
También rechazó cualquier cosa que tuviera que ver con los investigadores, lo cual comprendí.
It also rejected anything related to researchers, which I understood.
Un pueblo que tuviera muchas tiendas, muchas industrias y todo dentro de un ámbito abarcable.
A town with many shops, many industries and all within an accessible area.
¡Quién pudiera hacer que el tráfico rodado por esta carretera tuviera menos ruido!
Who could make the traffic on this street quieter!
Señor Presidente, me decepcionó mucho que finalmente tuviera que votar en contra del informe.
Mr President, I was very disappointed to have to vote against the report at the end.
Sería estupendo que nos tuviera debidamente en cuenta en sus actuaciones.
It would be good if the way you conduct business were to take us into account.
A mí me ha resultado difícil encontrar algo en el informe que tuviera sentido en inglés.
I had difficulty in finding any of it that made sense in English!
Si esta Asamblea tuviera la menor dignidad, protestaría contra este trato displicente, pero naturalmente está mudo.
If this House had any dignity whatsoever it would protest against such cavalier treatment, but of course it is mute.
El Sr. Helmer me fuerza a hacer una observación que, realmente, nunca creí que tuviera que hacer.
Mr Helmer obliges me to make a remark that I actually did not believe I would ever have to make.
Al menos, deberíamos pedirle que tuviera en cuenta las posibles consecuencias.
We should at least ask it to consider the various possible consequences.
Esto podría hacerse si la política económica de Europa tuviera como referente el déficit estructural.
This could be done if European financial policy were to be guided by reference to the structural deficit.
Si tuviera que ver con otros productos, los habríamos prohibido hace tiempo.
If this involved other products, we would have banned them a long time ago.
Además, sería un mal principio si el Consejo Ecofin tuviera esos poderes.
Moreover, it would be a poor principle if the Ecofin Council had those powers.
Si tuviera el otro aspecto como objetivo primario, habría que plantear otros temas.
If the social aspect were the primary objective, we would have to consider other issues.
Si Iraq no tuviera oro negro, francamente a nadie le importaría un bledo.
If Iraq had no black gold, frankly no one would give a damn.
Si tuviera que hacer esto, ¿sabría alguien cuáles son realmente sus convicciones políticas?
If you were to do that, would anyone be aware of what your fundamental political convictions actually are?
Me gustaría que la Comisión tuviera en cuenta dos cuestiones en particular.
There are two points I would particularly like the Commission to heed.
Si el asunto tuviera que volver ahora a la Comisión, me gustaría darle un consejo al Sr. Bolkestein.
If the matter were now to go back to the Commission, I should like to give Mr Bolkestein a piece of advice.
Recordemos que si la OLAF tuviera que investigar un informe infundado sería una situación muy alarmante.
We should remember that it would be a very alarming situation if OLAF were to investigate an unfounded report.
Por último, yo quisiera también que la Unión Europea tuviera más en cuenta los estudios internacionales.
Finally, I should also like the European Union to give more consideration to international studies.
Si tuviera que resumirlo todo en dos palabras, sabría muy bien qué decir: «misión cumplida».
If I had to sum it all up in two words, I would know exactly which ones to choose: ‘mission accomplished’
Creo que cualquier resolución que adoptemos tendría mucho más peso si tuviera en cuenta estos aspectos.
I believe that any resolution adopted by us would carry much more weight if it took full account of these aspects.
Si tuviera que sacar a colación una sola cosa del Tratado, serían las relaciones exteriores.
If I were to bring up just one thing from the Treaty, it would be on external relations.
Me sorprende que Canuto tuviera más sentido común que los gobernantes europeos actuales.
It strikes me that Canute had more sense than Europe's rulers have today.
No sorprende a nadie que el ponente tuviera que mantener un debate prolongado y arduo con el Consejo.
It is no wonder that the rapporteur had to engage in long and arduous debate with the Council.
Y si no tuviera usted contactos con industriales, tendría tan pocos amigos como el señor Farage.
And if you had no contacts with industrialists, you would have as few friends as Mr Farage!
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