Spanish Sentences using hablado  

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Ellos han hablado de su fiesta de cumpleaños.
They have talked about their birthday party.
Me gustaría ver la película de la que me has hablado.
I'd like to see the film you've told me about.
Yo he hablado con mi maestro de la tarea.
I have talked to my teacher about the homework.
Nosotros hemos hablado con el jardinero.
We have talked to the gardener.
Yo he hablado con el gerente del hotel de la reservación.
I have spoken with the hotel's manager about the reservation.
Enrique ha hablado con Adriana del próximo viaje.
Enrique has spoken with Adriana about the next trip.
Tú has hablado del menu del restaurante.
You have spoken about the menu from the restaurant.
Luis ha hablado con la agencia de viajes.
Luis has spoken with the travel agency.
Ellos han hablado del crucero que tomarán.
They have spoken about the cruise they will take.
Nosotros hemos hablado con el guía del viaje.
We have spoken with the tourist guide.
Tú has hablado con mis amigos en Perú.
You have spoken with my friends in Peru.
María ha hablado con la recepcionista del hotel por teléfono.
María has spoken with the hotel receptionist by telephone.
Ellos han hablado de la próxima reunión en Costa Rica.
They have spoken about the next meeting in Costa Rica.
Él hubiese hablado con María.
He would have talked to María.
Yo he hablado con mi abogado sobre el problema en la aduana.
I have spoken with my lawyer about the problem in the customs.
Nosotros hemos hablado con la agencia de seguros.
We have spoken with the inssurance's agency.
José ha hablado con el capitán.
José has talked to the captain.
Nosotros hemos hablado de los poemas.
We have talked about the poems.
Sara ha hablado con la bailarina.
Sara has talked to the dancer.
Yo he hablado por teléfono.
I have talked on the phone.
Dudo que hayan hablado con el rey.
I doubt that they have talked to the king.
Nosotros hemos hablado con los soldados.
We have talked to the soldiers.
Ellos han hablado con el médico.
They have talked to the doctor.
Yo he hablado con mis amigos.
I have talked to my friends.
Tú has hablado con mamá de mi bebé.
You have talked to mom about my baby.
Tú has hablado de las carreras de caballos.
You have talked about the horse races.
Hube hablado con el gobernador.
I had spoken to the Governor.
¿Has hablado con el profesor?
Have you spoken with the teacher?
Nosotros hemos hablado con el profesor.
We have spoken with the teacher.
Nosotros habíamos hablado con el director.
We had talked to the director.
Tú habías hablado con Mario por teléfono.
You had talked to Mario on the phone.
¡No habrías hablado de posesión!
You wouldn't have spoken of possession!
Otra vez, habría hablado el profesor de la clase anterior.
Once more, the professor from the previous class would have spoken.
Quizás habríamos hablado con amabilidad acerca de los nuevos productos.
Maybe we would have spoken with kindness about the new products.
¿Y si no habría habido ninguna lesión de que hubieras hablado?
If there wouldn't have been any lesion, what would you have spoken about?
Habríamos hablado con el director sobre la situacion, si nos hubieras avisado.
We would have spoken with the principal about your situation, if you would have told us about it.
Supuse que habríais hablado con él para ir a la fiesta.
I thought you would have spoken with him to go to the party.
¿Ya habrían hablado con su maestra?
Would they have already spoken to their teacher?
Nosotros habíamos hablado con el recepcionista sobre la reservación.
We had spoken with the receptionist about the reservation.
Los abuelos también habrían hablado con sus nietos para viajar juntos a la isla.
The grandparents also would have talked to their grandchildren about traveling together to the island.
Dominaba el inglés hablado y escrito.
I mastered written and spoken English.
Una cosa es que hayas hablado con Jorge, otra cosa es que te aproveches del espacio que él te dio.
It is one thing is that you have spoken with Jorge, but another thing is that you take advantage of the space he gave you.
Les será concedido el permiso del que hayan hablado.
The permit that they have spoken about will be granted.
Además, si yo hubiera hablado de esto antes, no habría recibido flores hoy.
Also, if I had spoken about this before, I would not have received flowers today.
Me ha hablado tanto de usted.
He's told me so much about you
Si no me hubieras hablado de esa moneda de oro, nunca habría visto una de esas en mi vida.
If you had not spoken about that golden coin, I would have never seen one of those.
Si hubiéramos hablado hoy sería diferente.
If we had spoken today, it would be different.
Como si hubieran hablado algo que ellos no pudieron comprender.
As if they had spoken something that they had not been able to understand.
Si hubieses hablado no te hubieran escuchado.
If you had spoken, they would have not heard you.
Si hubieseis hablado en mandarin mi comentario habría sido el mismo.
If you had spoken in Mandarin, my comentary would have been the same.
No importa la canción, de todos modos, hubiesen hablado bien de él.
The song doesn't matter, either way they would have spoken well of him.
Yo habría hablado con el abogado ayer si yo hubiera podido.
I would have spoken with the lawyer yesterday if I had been able to.
Tú habrás hablado con él antes de salir.
You will have spoken to him before leaving.
Yo sabía que habrías hablado con el abogado ayer si tú hubieras podido.
I knew that you would have spoken with the lawyer yesterday if you had been able.
Beatriz ha hablado con su hermana.
Beatriz has talked to her sister.
Yo he hablado en el programa de televisión.
I have talked in the TV show.
Enrique ha hablado con el dentista.
Enrique has talked to the dentist.
Yo esperaba que Juan hubiera hablado con el profesor.
I was hoping that John had spoken with the teacher.
Juan habría hablado con el abogado ayer si el hubiera podido.
John would have spoken with the lawyer yesterday if he had been able.
Tu habrás hablado con él antes de salir del hotel.
You will have spoken with him before to go out of the hotel.
Tú has hablado del nuevo libro.
You have talked about the new book.
Luis ha hablado con su esposa.
Luis has talked to his wife.
Ellos han hablado del viaje.
They have talked about the trip.
Nosotros hemos hablado con el sacerdote.
We have talked to the priest.
Nosotros habríamos hablado con el abogado ayer si nosotros hubiéramos podido.
We would have spoken with the lawyer yesterday if we had been able.
¿Sabías que los señores habían hablado con el abogado ayer?
Did you know that the gentlemen had spoken with the lawyer yesterday?
Tú has hablado con el director de la orquesta.
You have talked to the orchestra's conductor.
María ha hablado con su amiga por teléfono.
María has talked to her girlfriend on the phone.
Yo creo que ellos habrían hablado con el abogado ayer si ellos hubieran podido.
I think that they would have spoken with the lawyer yesterday if they had been able.
Si hubieses hablado con él, hubiera sido más fácil.
If you had talked to him it would have been easier.
Yo habría hablado con mi abuelo si estuviera en casa.
I would have talked to my grandpa if he were at home.
¿Habéis hablado con María hoy?
Have you talked to María today?
El comandante ha hablado por tres horas.
The commander has spoken for three hours.
Yo he hablado con el abogado.
I have talked to the lawyer.
¿Has hablado con el abogado?
Have you talked to the lawyer?
María dice que Juan no ha hablado con el abogado todavía.
Mary says that John hasn't talked to the lawyer yet.
Yo he hablado con el profesor.
I have spoken with the teacher.
Juan ha hablado con el profesor.
John has spoken with the teacher.
Los muchachos han hablado con el profesor.
The boys have spoken with the teacher.
Ellos han hablado todo el día.
They have spoken all day.
No había hablado con Ernesto desde que volvió de Francia.
I hadn't talked with Ernesto since he got back from France.
No había hablado con Ernesto desde hacía mucho tiempo.
I hadn't talked with Ernesto for a long time.
No había hablado con Ernesto desde el año pasado.
I hadn't talked with Ernesto since last year.
Espero que haya hablado sobre sus sospechas.
I hope he has spoken about his suspicion.
Lo estamos respaldando y una mentira que hayamos hablado con otro técnico.
We are supporting him and it is a lie that we have cpoken with another technician.
Maravilloso que hayáis hablado sobre esta canción.
It is wondeful that you all have spoken about that song.
Por que no llegaste, si no ya me imagino de que hubierais hablado.
Good thing you didn't arrive, otherwise I can imagine what you would have said.
Ojalá hubiese sabido y te hubiese hablado en español cuando te llame por teléfono.
I wish I would have known and I would have spoken in Spanish to you when I call you on the phone.
Mejor hubiésemos hablado en privado.
It would have been better if we have spoken in private.
La secretaria dijo que ella esperaba que yo hubiera hablado con el abogado ayer.
The secretary said that she was hoping that I had spoken with the lawyer yesterday.
¿ Porqué has hablado con el abogado?
Why have you spoken with the lawyer?
La secretaria dijo que ella creía que tú habías hablado con el abogado ayer.
The secretary said that she thought that you had spoken with the lawyer yesterday.
Yo espero que Juan haya hablado con el abogado.
I hope that John has spoken with the lawyer.
¿Sabes si Juan ha hablado con el abogado?
Do you know if John has spoken with the lawyer?
Yo creía que Juan había hablado con el abogado hoy.
I thought that John had spoken with the lawyer today.
Yo espero que Juan haya hablado con el profesor.
I hope that John has spoken with the teacher.
Juan, ¿has hablado con el abogado esta mañana?
John, have you spoken with the lawyer this morning?
Yo creo que los señores han hablado con el abogado ayer.
I think that the gentlemen have spoken with the lawyer yesterday.
Yo creía que los señores habían hablado con el abogado ayer.
I thought that the gentlemen had spoken with the lawyer yesterday.
No habían hablado con él todavía. Fueron a hablar con el gerente primero.
They hadn't talked to him yet. They went to talk to the general manager first.
Hemos hablado del chocolate.
We have just been talking about chocolate.
Hemos hablado de economía.
We have talked about the economy.
He hablado de fisuras.
I have spoken of rifts.
Ha hablado a favor.
He has spoken in favour.
He hablado de legislación.
I have spoken about legislation.
Ya he hablado de Estlink.
I have already spoken about Estlink.
He hablado con todos ellos.
I have talked to all of them.
He hablado dos minutos.
I spoke for two minutes.
Ya he hablado de ello.
I have spoken about that already.
He hablado de ello recientemente.
I spoke of that recently.
He hablado con muchas microentidades.
I have spoken with many micro-entities.
Yo no he hablado de bárbaros.
I did not speak about barbarians.
He hablado de redistribución.
I have spoken about redistribution.
¿Con quién ha hablado?
So who did the Commission speak to?
He hablado de transparencia.
I mentioned transparency, and the new Chapter XVIIa has been referred to in this connection.
Señorías, me han hablado de calendarios.
Ladies and gentlemen, you have asked me about timetables.
Antes hemos hablado de Camboya.
Earlier we spoke about Cambodia.
El pueblo irlandés ha hablado.
The Irish people have spoken.
Ya hemos hablado al respecto.
We have already talked about this.
He hablado con él sobre ellas.
I have spoken to him about them.
Hemos hablado mucho sobre ello.
There has been much talk of one.
De eso hemos hablado mucho.
This is something that we have been talking about quite a lot.
Han hablado de "mucho tiempo".
You have talked about 'a long time'.
Han hablado con la OMI.
You have approached the IMO.
Señorías, los irlandeses han hablado.
Ladies and gentlemen, the people of Ireland have spoken.
Hoy hemos hablado de Irlanda.
We have been discussing Ireland today.
También ha hablado sobre Desertec.
You also talked about Desertec.
Hemos hablado sobre la ampliación.
We have talked about enlargement.
Ha hablado de negociaciones directas.
You spoke about direct negotiations.
No he hablado de ningún enfoque monetarista.
I have not spoken about any monetarist approach.
Todos hemos hablado de desinterés.
We have all talked about disinterest.
Aquí se ha hablado suficientemente.
Enough opinions have been expressed on the matter.
Se ha hablado de Latinoamérica.
We have addressed the subject of Latin America.
Antes he hablado de los socialistas.
I mentioned the Socialists just now.
He hablado esta semana con Xerox.
I spoke to Xerox this week.
Él ha hablado de prudencia.
He has referred to the need for prudence.
Lo hemos hablado muchas veces.
We have talked about this on many occasions.
Ya hemos hablado del desempleo.
Unemployment has already been mentioned.
El Consejo ha hablado; el Parlamento ha hablado, y yo he hablado. Ahora le corresponde a la industria recoger el guante.
The Council has spoken; Parliament has spoken, and so have I. It is now up to the industry to take up the challenge.
En primer lugar, ha hablado de verificación.
Firstly he talked about verification.
Se ha hablado de la PESC.
The Commissioner also spoke about the Common Foreign and Security Policy.
Señor Presidente, ya hemos hablado demasiado.
Mr President, there has been enough talk.
Del dramático estrangulamiento económico han hablado otros.
Others have spoken of the tragic stifling of the economy.
Se ha hablado de los Parlamentos nacionales.
The issue of national parliaments has been addressed.
Aquí se ha hablado del lobby.
The lobby has already been mentioned.
Se ha hablado mucho de un equilibrio.
A great deal has been said about the need for balance.
Hemos hablado hoy aquí mucho sobre delincuencia.
We have spoken a great deal here today about crime.
¡Pero usted no ha hablado de democracia!
You were not talking about democracy.
Ya he hablado seis minutos. Muchas gracias.
I have now spoken for six minutes.
Algunas Señorías han hablado de la subsidiaria.
Some Members have mentioned subsidiarity.

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