Spanish Word for drugstore  

English Word: drugstore

Spanish Word: la droguería
The Spanish Word for drugstore
Now you know how to say drugstore in Spanish. :-)
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Translated sentences containing 'drugstore'
a drugstore
una farmacia
We sell rubbing alcohol in the drugstore.
Nosotros vendemos alcohol en la farmacia.
My mother chooses that drugstore.
Mi mamá elige esa farmacia.
The will have closed the drugstore at 8:00 p.m.
Ellos habrán cerrado la farmacia a las 8:00 p.m.
He thinks (intends) to work in the drugstore.
Él piensa trabajar en la farmacia.
María runs to the drugstore.
María corre a la farmacia
You leave from the drugstore.
Tú sales de la farmacia.
You give gauzes in the drugstore
Tú das gasas en la farmacia
Carlos and José see the bottle of in the drugstore
Carlos y José ven el frasco de insulina en la farmacia.

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