Spanish Word for ankle  

English Word: ankle

Spanish Word: el tobillo
The Spanish Word for ankle
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Translated sentences containing 'ankle'
I sprained my ankle playing soccer.
Me torcí el tobillo jugando fútbol.
I have sprained my ankle twice.
Me he torcido el tobillo dos veces.
I've sprained my ankle.
Me he torcido el tobillo.
Francisco sprained his ankle last week.
Francisco se torció el tobillo la semana pasada.
You must wear this bracelet on your ankle.
Usted debe usar este brazalete electrónico en su tobillo.

I had a broken ankle a couple of years ago.
Hace unos años me rompí un tobillo.
I am not doing it only because he is standing next to me and kicking me in the ankle, but because I think his report is very good indeed.
No lo hago porque esté sentado a mi lado y me esté dando patadas por debajo de la mesa, sino porque opino que su informe es excelente.
Cheese is cheese whether it is cheddar cheese or one of those fierce little Belgian cheeses that arises from the table in the restaurant and practically bites your ankle.
El queso es queso, sea cheddar o uno de esos pequeños quesos belgas picantes que se levanta de la mesa del restaurante y prácticamente te muerde el tobillo.
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