Spanish Word for blouse  

English Word: blouse

Spanish Word: la blusa
The Spanish Word for blouse
Now you know how to say blouse in Spanish. :-)
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Translated sentences containing 'blouse'
My little blouse. My little skirt.
Mi blusita. Mi faldita.
The blouse is green.
La blusa es verde.
Julia will buy a blue or red blouse.
Julia comprará una blusa azul o roja.
My blouse is light blue.
Mi blusa es celeste.
my blouse
mi blusa
The blouse is green.
La blusa es verde.
I receive a blouse
Yo recibo una blusa.
I have a purple blouse.
Yo tengo una blusa morada.
Can you dry-clean the blouse?
¿Puede lavar en seco la blusa?
The blouse has some embroidered flowers.
La blusa tiene bordadas unas flores.
I always rinse this blouse in cold water.
Yo siempre aclaro esta blusa con agua fría.

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