Spanish Word for awesome  

English Word: awesome

Spanish Word: impresionante
The Spanish Word for awesome
Now you know how to say awesome in Spanish. :-)
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Translated sentences containing 'awesome'
That bathroom (next to you) is awesome!
Está bárbaro ese baño!

The awesome pictures of that mighty sea consuming the land and crushing people, homes and landmarks were terrifying and terrible.
Las impresionantes imágenes de ese mar poderoso que se traga la tierra y aplasta personas, casas y monumentos históricos fueron espantosas y terribles.
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Waking up to the lovely sound of a car's horn???   (Quetzaltenango, Guatemala)

I feel that I am adapting well to life here in Quetzaltenango. I have quickly fallen into a routine. My day usually starts at 6:00am, with me waking up to the sounds of cars on the street. For two days now, a car has parked itself near my house, and has blared its horn while waiting for the person to come outside. I usually lay in bed and think about my plans for the day and start to review...
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